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You don’t know how the Tour Music Fest Smart Auditions work? Are you having problems uploading your demo? Are you getting ready for your Online Feedback Session? Here are the most Frequently Asked Questions that our tutors answer every day! 

Send in the best recording that you have. For the preliminary audition TMF does not require a professional demo or recording. We accept professional demos and videoclips but we also accept amatorial video recordings and audio recordings. The quality of your demo will not inflict the evaluation or eligibility.

If your demo/recording is only audio, you can use the following formats: Mp3 or WAV (Max 200 MB).

If your demo/recording is a video, you can use the following formats: mp4, mpeg, avi or wmv (Max 200 MB)

If you wish, you can share a link of your demo on Youtube, Spotify, Vimeo, Soundcloud, Facebook, Instagram or Google Drive (make sure your link is public)

We DO NOT ACCEPT links with an expiration (WeTransfer, Jumbomail, etc)

It’s absolutely your choice! The evaluation parameters for the Smart Audition are based on artistic eligibility. We suggest you present the demo/recording that most represents you and who you are as an artist today, so the most valid and recent recording you have done.

The maximum duration of the song for all artistic categories is 4 minutes.

Once you have completed your registration, you will receive an email with a detailed procedure to simply upload your demo/recording.

Have you tried changing browsers? Even though our platform has been optimized for all browsers, errors may occur. We suggest trying to upload your demo using Google Chrome. 

Copy and paste the link onto your browser. Sometimes the links we generate can be perceived as being a simple text on behalf of your browser and/or email service. All you have to do is copy the link and paste it onto the address bar on your browser.

No worries! There are a few ways to fix this. You could upload your video to Youtube, Spotify. Vimeo, Soundcloud, Facebook, Instagram or Google Drive and send us the link using your personal upload link that we sent you (don’t forget to use a public link). We DO NOT ACCEPT links with an expiration (WeTransfer, Jumbomail, etc)

We want to support our artists! The Online Feedback Session is artistic advice and feedback that Tour Music Fest offers all of our artists taking part in the competition. The sessions are organized on Zoom and put our artists in direct contact with the TMF coaches. The goal of these sessions is to offer personalized artistic guidance in sight of the upcoming Live Audition as well as advice and counseling in all areas of artistry. 

The answer is yes! Between the Smart Audition and the Live Audition, you can change songs maintaining the same duration limitations. 

During the Online Feedback Sessions, our coaches do not make evaluations and there are no rankings. The purpose of the Smart Audition is solely educational and orientational. 

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